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Client Portal: Getting Started

Sign up / Login

Sign up for an account. This account will represent a family of 1 or more students. If you have an existing account, log in here.

Add Students

Add student(s) to your account with the appropriate information.

Class Registration

Go to the family dashboard (the first tab on the side bar). Hover over the student(s) you created to enroll in a class or trial. The timetable will pop up automatically filtering the classes the student is eligible to enroll in. If there is a coupon available for the time period, then you can enter it at the top of the pop up. Your discount will be applied when charges are posted to your account. 

Event Registration

Click on Current Events from your family dashboard. You will see a list of upcoming events that are going to happen at the studio. Click on View Details for the one(s) you are interested in.


Single Day Events 

If it's a single day event, you can click Register, select the student(s) you want to enroll, and click Enroll.


Multiple Day Events

If it's a multiple day event,  you can see a number of sessions for each day of the event. Click on each session and select the student(s) you want to enroll. Click Register at the bottom of the page once you are done and you are good to go!

View Accounts

Check Account Balance

Check your account balance by clicking on View Accounts from the home dashboard or side bar. You can see all the charges on your account here as a total and separated by debit and credit.


Make a Payment

Right under the account balance, you can click Add Card to add your card information. To manually make a payment, click Make Payment. Enter the amount you would like to pay and add a note if you would like. (Note: if you don't add your card before clicking Make Payment, your payment will NOT go through). You also have the option to set up Auto Payments by clicking Enable Auto Payments. Enter in your card information in the window that pops up and your account balance will be automatically charged to your card by the payment due date.

Edit Family Information

To edit any family information, click View Family from the side bar. You can also see all your student enrollments here. 


If you need help using the client portal, please do not hesitate to call or text us at 571-910-3979!

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